Homemade Ice Cream


I am a fairly routine person by nature. My old friends, in fact, would say I’m a VERY routine person. But when it comes to cooking I LOVE trying now things. Sometimes, however, this uncharacteristic spontanaeity comes back to bite me.

For example, this Monday night my sister came over for dinner and I tried out a new Chicken and Corn soup recipe I had been craving. Instead of adding one teaspoon of stock powder per cup, I added one teaspoon per litre. As there was 4 litres of stock required, our soup had a deficit of 12 teaspoons of stock. We couldn’t work out what was wrong! It just seemed tasteless. My sister and I were adding extra soy sauce and heaps of salt and pepper but the soup still tasted bland.

It wasn’t until after dinner that I worked it out my measuring mistake—much to my, food-loving sister’s dismay! I smiled and shrugged it off, the joy of discovery outweighing the disappointment of dinner. Sorry sis! She’s hoping I won’t try out anymore more new recipes on her, but I made no promises. The adventure of trying out new flavours and techniques it too addictive for me.


When my daughter requested that we make ice-cream together, I felt an instant thrill of excitement. I’d never made ice-cream before and it sounded like fun. I also remembered seeing some ice-cream recipes in my grandma’s recipe book that were out of the ordinary. They were begging to be explored…. We went through each of them and Ruby decided that FRUIT SALAD ICE-CREAM sounded the best. FRUIT SALAD ICE-CREAM it would be then.

Tastes delicious – but we didn’t quite get the texture right

After wading our way through our first ice-cream making experience, I can’t say we aced it. The ice-cream was very crystallised, and it initially had a funny after-taste. In response, I conducted a bit of research and discovered that ice-cream making has a bit of a science to it. This link https://www.chefsteps.com/activities/ice-cream-geekery proved very educational, and left me wondering what steps were lacking in my FRUIT SALAD ICE-CREAM recipe? Perhaps I didn’t mix it for long enough. Or maybe there is too much milk in the recipe which increases the ‘icyness’ of the dessert. I have much to learn in the world of ice-cream!

If you are attempting this recipe, I recommend using freshly squeezed orange and lemon juice. My initial taste tests of FRUIT SALAD ICE-CREAM left me with a strong after-taste in my mouth, which I think resulted from the bottled juice concentrates I selected to use in this recipe. In saying that, for some reason the flavours balanced out over time and now the aftertaste is gone. Are there any scientists out there who can explain this to me?? My husband and brother ate some FRUIT SALAD ICE-CREAM the other night and really enjoyed the flavours; actually preferring this ice-cream over the regular store-bought versions we typically buy.

After all is said and done, I did have fun making ice-cream for the first time. I still don’t quite understand the science behind it, but I am willing to learn more and give it a go again. If anyone has some tips re: how to make ice-cream without a churner or dedicated machine, I’d be very interested. Enjoy!

Homemade Ice Cream

Prep time: 

Cook time: 

Total time: 

  • 14½oz. (410ml) can evaporated milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 passionfruit
  • ¾ cup orange juice
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  1. Chill evaporated milk. When cold, beat in large bowl of electric mixer at high speed until thick.
  2. Add sugar, beat until dissolved; add mashed banana, passionfruit pulp, orange juice, lemon juice and milk. Beat well.
  3. Pour into large container, cover and store in freezer compartment of refrigerator. Freeze until firm.


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About The Author

In my kitchen lie my late grandmother's recipe books that have been covered with dust for too long. It's time to open these books and discover tasty food from a simpler life. I'd love for you to join me as I add to this collection some tried and true recipes from my grandmother's recipe books.

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